Design Arounds Custom Solutions

Custom Solutions

Our award-winning team creates enterprise-wide learning experiences to help employees and leaders master new skills and apply them to key business objectives. We create streamlined solutions built on the latest research into how adults learn and work within just the right combination of classic and state of the art modalities that will generate the best outcomes. Approaches range from face-to-face and virtual classrooms, to elearning, mobile apps and content resource portals, to learning burst and ‘explainer’ videos to on-the-job development and reflection experiences.

  • Re-think existing learning experiences and tailor solutions to support critical strategic business initiatives through technology enabled, classroom, microlearning or blended approaches
  • Curate, configure and create new content and package it for easy to access, just-in-time learner use
  • Enhance self-sufficiency through effective train-the-trainer methods and experiences
  • Ensure high-impact implementations that integrate learning on the job (includes pre-assessment, coaching touch-points and post-training performance coaching)
  • Re-energize and update current offerings with cutting-edge methods and learning activities
  • Build commitment to learning solutions through stakeholder involvement
  • Devise reinforcement and evaluation strategies to ensure that training achieves key business measures